Richard Ghillani, M.D. Bradford Henley, M.D. Kenneth Johnson, M.D. David Karges, D.O. Henry Mankin, M.D. Jeff Mast, M.D. Marc Swiontkowski, M.D. Edward Yang, M.D. |
ANNUAL MEETING 200112:00 pm - March 1, 2001
A Computer-Based Patient Record and an Outcomes Data-Collection System - R. Johnston
The Value and Promise of Patient Databases in Orthopaedic Surgery - J. Harrast
The Role of PDA's in Orthopaedic Data Collection - M. Snyder
Web-enabled, Cross-platform, Orthopaedic Trauma Data Collection - K. James, W. Burman
Direct Patient Input into an Outcomes Database - J. Goldstein