Gas Gangrene

There are several infections which produce gas and need to be differentiated from clostridial myonecrosis.

Gas Producing Soft Tissue Infections - Finegold et al, Upjohn 1972
  Anerobic Cellulitis Infected Vascular Gangrene Clostridial Myonecrosis Streptococcal Myositis
Incubation > 3 days > 5 days < 3 days 3-4 days
 Organism C perfringens mixed - gram(-), bacteriodes, C perfringens anerobic strep (peptostreptococci)
Onset Gradual Gradual Acute Subacute, insidious
Toxemia Minimal Minimal Very severe Severe after some time
Pain Absent Variable Severe Usually severe
Swelling Minimal Marked Marked Marked
Skin Little change Discolored, black, desiccated Tense, often very white Tense, often with coppery tinge
Exudate Nil or slight Nil Variable, may be profuse , serous, blood stained Very profuse
Gas Abundant Abundant Rarely pronounced except terminally Very slight
Smell Foul Foul Variable, may be slight, often sweetish Very slight, often sour
Muscle No change Dead Marked change At first little change, but edema

The treatment is surgical debridement plus Penicillin G and Clindamycin or Ceftriaxone.